Tutorial - Add an Item

1. Go to the 'Add Inventory Item' screen

Are you already at the home page?

If you are already at the home page...

Click on the link that says 'Manage inventory.' If you see a page titled 'Manage Inventory', click on the link that says 'Add & Edit Items.'

If you are not at the home page...

Please click on the Home Button (the house near the top of the screen). Click on the link that says 'Manage inventory.' If you see a page titled 'Manage Inventory', click on the link that says 'Add & Edit Items.'

You should now be at main inventory screen. Click on the 'Add item' button located at the bottom of the 'Inventory' page.

2. Enter basic item information

You should now be at the Add Item page, and it should look like this:

Screenshot of Leavins Inventory Manager's Inventory Item Page

The only thing that you have to enter is a name for the item. This name will appear on customer receipts for the item, and should be a short (but good) description of the item.

Good names for items:

Non-Recommended names for items:

You can include in-depth product information in the box directly under 'Description.'

You can put an item's barcode number in the 'Number' field. This will allow you to enter items during checkout using a barcode scanner.

If Leavins Inventory Manager is tracking inventory quantities, you should see a checkbox and two fields related to quantity. The 'track inventory quantity' box is checked by default. Uncheck this box if your item represents a service (like 'Oil change') where there is no in-stock quantity. '# In-Stock' is the current in-stock quantity of the item. If the currently quantity falls below the 'Low Stock Number', the program will warn you that the item has low-stock and that you should restock it.

If your item should be 'tax exempt' by default, you should click the 'Tax exempt for all customers by default' option. If you don't know if an item should be tax exempt, feel free to ignore this option: you can always change it when you are creating a sales order for a customer.

3. (Optionally) enter cost & price for the item

You do not have to enter a cost or price for the item. But it is highly recommended that you enter a unit price because you'll have to manually set the unit price at checkout. There are two ways of entering a unit price for the item.

Automatic Unit Price Calculation

First, click on the 'Use cost as unit price' checkbox. It should now be checked. Your unit price will now be automatically calculated by the following formula:

Price = Cost + (Cost * Markup_Percentage)

For example, if you put "$1.00" as the cost, and "30%" as the markup, the price will be $1.30.

If you leave 'Cost' or 'Markup %' blank, the box will turn red, indicating that you must put a value down for either field.

Manually Set Unit Price

To manually set the unit price, just enter an amount in the box to the right of the 'Unit Price' label. If your entered amount is non-numerical, it will be reset to $0.00 automatically.

You can optionally add a value for cost if you need it for your records.

4. Click 'Finish'